
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10 Stress-Free Tips to Use for Exams and Job Interviews

Ask any student and someone who has just been to an interview about the stress, and the answer you'll receive would likely be the same. There is a great amount of uncertainty and confusion, not only in the process of taking an exam and interview but also the results and outcomes as well. Although this is reliant on the confidence of the individual, there is no one out there that doesn't feel a bit of fear in these events. Now, college students are unique in the way that they are present in both professional and academic environments at the same time. You know just how stressful this situation is, and below, you will find a few tips that can be followed to deal with stress in a much better way.

Sleep Enough
If there is something familiar between college students and young professionals, that would have to be not sleeping enough. The vast majority of these people tend to go to bed late at night, and therefore, sleep in until the afternoon. What people don't realize is that sleep deprivation is a serious condition that can make even the healthiest people succumb to stress. The human brain needs its 6 to 8 hours of rest a night, and that is necessary. The next time you go to bed, try to keep your smartphone as far away as possible to prevent those unneeded late night status updates.

Remember Your Goals
During the process of applying for a job or preparing for an exam, the average Joe feels confident that nothing is standing in the way of them acing the interview and/or review. There is an abnormal development of confidence that manifests people, but when the time comes, the belief just fades away. What was once a definite feeling of success turns into crippling stress and pressure. This can be curbed by focusing on the goals you have set for yourself and sticking to it no matter what. You will notice that the memory of your target has a calming effect on your mind, almost immediately. 

Stay Flexible
Many students make the mistake of keeping a rigid mindset and not accepting changes, no matter how minor. Although that is associated with keeping high standards, it isn't really an ideal way to live your life. Just like the tree that bends with the wind, you need to keep your mind just as flexible to adapt to changing environments. This is particularly applicable in the professional and academic environments, as the only thing that needs to be strict is your preparation. After the stone has been cast, it is necessary to stay optimistic and look on the bright side.

Go For A Run
In many cases, stress can look like a bigger problem than it is because the human body just isn't seeing enough movement. Since the human body has adapted to simplifying movement, leading a sedentary lifestyle is a great way of building up physical stress. This is frequently confused for mental stress, and that can be resolved by plain old exercise. In this occurence, the best thing to do is to go for a run or jog for a while. Exposure to fresh air and physical exertion loosens up the body, gets your blood flowing, and really improves your mood in a positive, healthy way.

Try Not To Regret
After an interview or exam doesn’t go as planned, a lot of involuntary emotions start to mess with your mind. Albeit that is a normal reaction to an unforeseen event, just the constant replaying of thoughts over and over in your head amplifies the actual level of stress you experience. While you could use that regret and use it constructively, it may be too much to handle sometimes, and that is fine. In this situation, the only thing you need to focus on is to look towards the improvements and betterment you are going to make next time rather than loathing on the present.

Avoid Stimulants
It wouldn't be incorrect if we said that young professionals and students often have half blood and half coffee running through their veins. Your daily cup of Joe may be necessary to kick start you in the morning, but that might also be the cause of your problems. As caffeine is a stimulant, it tends to enhance all emotions, and unfortunately, the negative ones too. Therefore, it is recommended to lay back on the coffee if you are stressed out, and try to look for replacements. A suitable substitute is tea. You can try green tea, black tea, earl grey tea, chamomile tea, and see what works best for you. Tea is a better alternative as it contains different compounds that will energize you, without the use of caffeine.

Don’t Overthink
Everyone in life, at some point, have moments where they don’t get what they wanted.  What is important, though, is to treat these moments as learning opportunities and grow as a person. Irrespective of how stressful these times may be, the important bit is to keep a cool head and avoid thinking about it too much. Ideally, your thinking needs to be just enough to learn from the experience and gain a valuable lesson. Anything more would simply add to your worries and make things miserable. Analysis paralysis is a real thing, and its effects can be destructive. Therefore, you need to stay away from it as much as possible and think clearly. 

Don’t Stress On Uncontrollable Events
One mistake young people tend to make often is that they think that everything can be controlled with enough effort. They believe that sheer skill and hard work is sufficient to get them the results they've wanted, and any stress is a sign of failure. Although that perspective might be justified in an ideal world, that simply isn’t the case in reality. It is much better to sort events into two boxes; the first box is for events that can be controlled, such as your grades and performance, while the other box is for uncontrollable circumstances, such as the grading of your paper and events like the weather. By doing your best in things you can control, such as taking the help of a custom assignment writing service, you can allow yourself to gain a greater degree of satisfaction in everything, and grow as a person.

Have A Good Meal
With fast food and processed foods being easily available in markets, there is no doubt people are handling stress poorly. Your diet plays a vital role in maintaining your fitness levels, and that also applies to your mental abilities. Eating foods rich in fats and sugars makes your body work much harder to digest the same amount of food. That causes a system-wide response that tunes your metabolism to working more slowly, leading to unwanted weight gain. As a result, it impacts the delivery of nutrients to your brain, changing your thinking and cognitive skills as well. For this reason, it is best to incorporate leafy greens and vegetables into your diet and keep your hydration levels up. It is also beneficial to rely on home-cooked food instead of the usual slice of pizza or sandwich you grab when hungry.

Try Meditation
A great way to relieve stress gained from professional and academic environments is through meditation. For the layman, meditation might just look like sitting with your eyes closed in a dimly lit place, but there is more to it than that. Meditation involves clearing your head of any negative thoughts, and by focusing on your breathing alone, it is possible to gain an immediate mood boost no matter where you are. All you need is some earplugs for louder places and some time to concentrate on the positives.

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